Department Chair
Assoc. Prof. Georgi Georgiev

Assoc. Prof. Georgi Georgiev has been chair of the Department of Architecture since December 2012. Besides being a university lecturer he heads the Bulgarian Housing Association – the first non-governmental association in the field of housing and housing policies. He has specialized in: consulting on urban and housing development, expertise in housing finance, management and housing renovation, energy efficiency and accessibility of housing, property management and urban regeneration. He is vice-chair of the working group in the thematic field: 3. Architecture and Quality of Life – Housing Policy of the Architects’ Council of Europe.
Membership in Bulgarian and International Professional Organizations
• Union of Architects in Bulgaria, representative of the Union of Architects in Bulgaria in the working group of the Architects’ Council of Europe.
• Network of energy experts of CECODHAS – European Association of Social Housing.
• European Network for Housing Research (ENHR)
• Secretary of the Bulgarian Section of International Solar Energy Society (ISES) in 1994 –1998.
• housing systems and housing policies in the European Union; housing systems and housing policies in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe;
• housing markets; housing, planning and control of the use of urban territories;
• energy efficiency of renovation, management and maintenance of home buildings;
• sustainable development, planning and management of urban development and the environment of economies in transition; home finances and property management;
• designing, management, monitoring, evaluation and coordination of projects in conditions of multidisciplinary approach and international cooperation;
• setting-up public and private partnerships in the field of designing, construction and management of accessible housing;
• training of designers and organizations of housing dwellers to create and manage a sustainable housing environment.
Contact information:
Building 2, Room 508
tel.: 02/8110 508